1337x is a torrent site that’s filled with every single kind of porn that you can think of. All you have to do is click on the XXX section to get it all. There are never any restrictions on the number of files that you can download in a single day. You can see how many seeds and leeches each file has before you start downloading it. You can also get screencaps for pretty much every file on the site. The archive is massive and there are brand new updates every single day. It’s all uploaded by users, so there’s always something new for you to find.
There’s no way to organize the files within the section, but you can search for something specific with the bar at the top of the page. You can also browse around to find something that you’ve never known about before. You can find pornstars like Julia North playing with any entire box of toys on her bed for the camera. You can also see Natalie Brooks in a threeway that leaves her with a massive facial just for a little bit of fun. If you can imagine it, then you can find it right here on 1337x.
1337x works well and you shouldn’t have many problems with the site. It’s easy to use and it’s designed well. There are a lot of pop ups and redirects to deal with, though. They keep the site free, so it’s worth it. It will work on any system that you have and won’t bog down your system. You’ll just need a torrent downloading program to get your porn. This is where you get the files to download the files. Nothing is hosted here. It’s a great way to get all of the free porn that you need.
- Screencaps for every file
- Video and audio information listed on each torrent page
- Every niche and genre you can think of
- Pop ups and redirects to deal with
- No way to organize files within the porn section
- No thumbnails before you click into the torrent pages