AflamSexNek is an Arab porn site that’s totally free to use all you want. There are no restrictions at all when it comes to the number of videos that you can watch in a day. Everything is in Arabic, so you’ll have to find a way to translate the site. You can do it with Chrome or download a plug in for any other browser. There’s a decent of porn and you can like and comment on anything that you want without making an account first. There are also plenty of foreign videos to watch if you want to take a break from the hot Arabs.
The Violent Sex on Aflam Sex Nek category should be your first stop here. It’s filled with Arabs enjoying all of the BDSM that you can imagine. You can see things like business men forcing their secretaries to get naked before they tie them up and have sex with them. There are also plenty of forced blowjobs and rough sex. There are even lesbians seducing and forcing each other to have sex while their husbands are out of the room. The videos are anywhere from a few minutes long to an hour, so there’s something for everyone in this section.
The AflamSexNek site works well and you shouldn’t have any problems with it. There are pop ups and redirects to deal with, but they keep the site free. It’s simply designed to make sure that you can get to your porn quickly. There are no heavy Flash animations so you can open in up on any system. You can also mouse over any video that you want to get a video preview before you put in the time to click on it and try to watch it. It’s the perfect site for anyone who has lots of different tastes in porn.
- Mouse over any thumbnail for a video preview
- Like and comment on anything you want
- Violent Sex category is filled with BDSM
- Everything is in Arabic
- No way to download anything at all
- Lots of pop ups and redirects to deal with