FetishLusts is here to bring you the hottest fetish porn sites and cam girls that you can find on the internet. What sets this place apart is that they review both full sites and individual cam girls. They have direct links to them so you can visit the ones that you like the most. You have the option of browsing around to find something new or searching to find something specific. Each review comes with plenty of pictures to show you exactly what’s going on behind the links. There are even easy to read and understand ratings for each one. You see what the writers think out of a perfect score of ten. It’s an easy way to get your information without having to read the whole thing. A lot of the reviews even come with graphs that you can understand with a simple glance.
The Fetish Hand Job category on FetishLusts just goes to show you that you can find any kind of fetish you want here. It doesn’t matter how far away from the mainstream it is. Most of the sites and cam girls here love to look deep into the camera and talk while they work. It’s a great take on the whole POV porn thing and draws you right into the girl. Some do a great job while others miss the mark. It’s easy to see which ones deserve you time and attention. They’re all hot and you can visit them as soon as you finish reading.
The fetishlusts.com site works really well and is very easy on your system. It’s very simply designed so you can get in, read your reviews and get out. A lot of them come with videos that you can check out right on the site. They make it easy to learn as much as you can with no effort at all. They keep the ads to a minimum, but there are video ads looping off to the side. They’re easy to ignore and won’t bog down your system. It’s great for finding a new site or learning about one you already know.
Find any fetish you can possibly imagine
Easy to understand ratings on every review
Fetish Hand Job category brings you hot girls who love to talk during sex
Some links to cam girls are dead
Video ads constantly playing in sidebar
Fetish Lust is the perfect review site for anyone who’s into fetish girls and porn. They focus on both porn sites and cam girls, so you’ll never miss out on anything. The Fetish Hand Job category shows you just how specific they can get when it comes to the fetishes they review. You can find anything you want and learn about new ones you’ve never even heard of before. The ads are kept to a minimum and the site is very simply designed. You can search or browse for anything. It’s more than worth your time to check out.
May 16, 2020SlapperCams Review Slapper Cams is a cam site that’s filled with nothing but British sluts. It’s free to jerk with teens on any cam that you want. You can watch them for as long as you want without even having to register an email address. You’ll just have to do that if you want to... [Read the full review]
MyXClip Collection of Real Homemade Porn Videos
March 16, 2020MyXClip is a free porn tube site that’s filled with as many amateur porn videos as you could ever want to see. They’re all uploaded directly by the real people who use the site. There’s a link at the top of every page to make sure anyone can find out how to do it. All... [Read the full review]
February 25, 2020VR Porn Mania is a totally free site that lets you know everything you need about virtual reality porn. They go out of their way to check out sites and let you know which ones are the best. You can also get a rundown of every device available so you can pick the one that... [Read the full review]
BadoinkVR is the Porn Site of the Future
May 29, 2020Porn has been around for a very long time. In fact, it started right around the same time that film cameras were invented and it’s only been growing ever since. Every so often there’s something that comes along to change everything about it for the better. A few decades ago, it was the VCR. It... [Read the full review]
Indian Cam Girls
December 6, 2018When it comes to porn, there are some Indian pornstars that have become celebrities in the industry, but the demographic has been relatively thin. In cam communities, Indian performers have been even harder to come by for many years. Some people look at the social, cultural, and technological reasons when trying to explain it, but... [Read the full review]
The Best Places to Find Live Porn Online
November 29, 2022Porn has been on the internet since the internet started and live cams have been around in at least a basic form since the 1990s. Since then, Live porn has become huge business and there are plenty of places to find it, so which are the best live cam sites? Finding the right live porn... [Read the full review]