JAVFun has the kind of Japanese porn videos that you just can’t find anywhere else. That’s their biggest draw. Everything is free to stream, but you can’t download anything. Each video also comes with several option to watch it. Each server will have its own resolution. You can choose whichever one works best for you system. That lets you save a lot of time if you’re dealing with a slow connection. You can still manage to watch the videos without having to deal with a ton of buffering. The JAV Fun girls are hot and the majority of the videos are uncensored. You can check out the censored section if you want, though. They still have them.
The Bathroom category is where you’re going to be able to find the most unique videos. These are hot Japanese women having sex in the bathroom. Sometimes it’s with other people and sometimes they’re all alone. It’s not something that you can only find on JAVFun. It’s a lot of fun and you can see what they do to get around the cramped spaces. A lot of times, the positions they come up with are better than any that you can see in a bed. It’s a fun place to be with a lot of different videos for you to watch.
The JAVFun site itself works well, but it can be slow. The day mode and night mode seem to take up different amounts of processing power. That means that you can be left with a site that doesn’t respond as quickly as it’s supposed to. You can comment on any video, but there’s no rating system for you to use. You can’t rely on what other people think to decide what to watch next. The good thing is that a lot of the videos have previews for you to check out. They’ll save you from having to stream the entire thing.
- Multiples servers with different resolutions
- Comment on any video
- Bathroom category has video you won’t be able to find anywhere else
- No downloads
- No pages for any of the models
- Site can be slow