JAVLeak has a ton of Japanese porn for you to watch for free. If you’re okay with the concept of beggars not being choosers, you’ll love it all. The videos are all feature length, so you’re not going to be running out of porn anytime soon. The problem is that none of them are HD. That’s one thing with short scenes, but when you’re talking 90 minute movies, you can really see the pixilation. There’s a section on JAVLeak.com for censored porn, so most of what you normally see is uncensored. That saves you a lot of looking around for the good stuff.
The best category on the JAVLeak site is probably Costume. This is where you can get your Japanese cosplay itch scratched very nicely. The girls are gorgeous and they have no problem with getting into character. You can see them dressed up as pretty much anything you want. From schoolgirls to prison guards, you can jump into any fantasy that you might have kicking around your head. You’re still treated to all of the usual Japanese porn tropes, you just get it all delivered in a sexy package that can look like anything.
JAVLeak works well and keeps all of the things you need in front of your eyes. You can see a list of all the categories on the right side of the homepage. It lets you jump around to find what you’re into on any given day. You can also see how many videos are in it. You’ll never have to deal with heading to a category only to see that there are two videos waiting for you. The main problem is that the thumbnails you see don’t tell you anything. The titles on JAV Leak are usually just letters. You’ll have no idea what’s in the movie until you start to play it.
- Most of the videos are uncensored
- Full length videos mean there’s a ton of porn to watch
- Ratings system and comment section for all videos
- Videos are all low quality
- Site can be very slow to load video player and videos
- Overly busy design with thumbnails that don’t give any information