New-JAV is a porn download site that’s filled with all of the premium Japanese porn that you could want for free. There are no ads or restrictions imposed by the site itself. Nothing is hosted here, though. You’ll have to adhere to any rules that the file-sharing site has. That means that free users will have to wait for a download link to be generated. Then the speeds will be reduced while you pull the file down. It’s all still premium porn that you’re getting for free, so it’s worth it.
The Time Stop category on New-JAV should be your first stop here. It’s a really fun genre of Japanese porn that you can’t really find all over the place. The concept is that time gets frozen for everyone but the guys with massive erections. They can then humiliate and use the women however they want. It doesn’t matter how much they manhandle or strip them. The women never wake up and the men can pose them however they want. It’s a take on the human sex doll fetish and the Asians here do it really well. It’s a lot of fun to see what men will do when no one can stop them.
The New-JAV site works well and you shouldn’t have any problems with it at all. It’s easy to use and it’s simply designed so it will work on any system that you might have. You can also access it with your mobile browser. There are no heavy Flash animations to slow down your memory at all. You can see the DVD boxes for each video before you decide to download it. It’s a great place to get all of your premium Japanese porn.
- Screencaps to see what’s inside the videos before you download
- Sex acts listed right in the file descriptions
- Time Stop category is filled with frozen women getting fucked
- Have to wait for reduced speeds as a free user
- Can’t organize by censored and uncensored videos
- No way to rate or comment on anything