Best Adult Cam Sites (Live Sex Cam Sites and Porn Cams!)

Last Updated on Mar. 3, 2025

VISIT Xbooru

VISIT Xbooru


  • Massive Amounts Of Content
  • Tons Of Hentai
  • A Community Feel


  • No Hentai Porn Movies
  • Account Needed For Forums
  • Some Advertisements


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Xbooru Hentai Porn Rule 34

Xbooru is a booru style website with many menus and a wide range of content offerings. You will need to create an account in order to access some features, though the site does have many features that are free. Xbooru is a fantastic place for people to find art coming from many different artists. The extensive amount of XXX are featured on the site comes from many places, so the quality is varied. That said, users can find a massive amount of artistic depictions and plenty of other content as well. Also featuring a forum, chat, and the ability to make comments on posts, Xbooru has done a wonderful job creating a community that its users love. The website is easy on the eyes, though there are both positives and negatives to the site. Learn more from my Xbooru review; I am a lover of hentai and porn art of all types and am excited to get to it.

My First Impression

My first impression of the website was that it could use a little bit better organization. Visually speaking, the site could use an update. The actual navigation and content on the site are phenomenal, however. I was all smiles the further I got into the review. Along the top of the page are many menu options, including posts, comments, aliases, artists, tags, pools, forum, chat, stats, and others. The site has a top 25 to it as well and shows a variety of pictures right on the homepage. Xbooru focuses on animated art, something to know when navigating the site. There are numerous advertisements on the homepage, mostly featuring live-action shots and gorgeous women in real pictures. Other things that I noticed on the homepage of the website were a distinct variety of pictures to excite. I recognized some characters from my favorite animated TV shows and movies, and there was a ton that I did not recognize as well. Some of the pics have to be created solely from the imaginations of the artists themselves as well. Many tags were also listed in their own part of the homepage, which I will explore later on. This website strives to do a lot and accomplishes it well. A secondary menu on the website has the options for list, upload, random, contact, about, and help.

Tons Of Sorting Options

There are many sorting options on the website, including sorting for the posts themselves. There are numerous aliases also listed on the website, which let people know where certain tags and search options point. Not having different categories for boobs, boobies, and breasts, is a nice feature overall. All of the posts that fit into one of these categories could fit into all of them. Other tags are also rolled into breasts, including chest, tits, and others. This is the first impression I got of the sorting options, and it is excellent. Taking the time to consolidate similar post types is extremely convenient. Why have different categories for cock, dick, and penis when you can just point everybody to a larger group that includes them all? Fortunately, the aliases have their own menu item that lets you know which aliases have been rolled into others, and in some cases, they also let you know why. In addition to tags, many other search and sort options are available.

Other Sorting Options

Users of the site can utilize a search option, which has some more advanced elements to it. Fans can take advantage of the wildcard feature for the search engine. In addition, there is an area where people can find the most recent comments on posts. The tags are listed in another menu item, and a listing of all of the artists on the website can also be found. In the artist's section of the website, you can find a listing of the names and see all of the posts of your favorites. Browsing at Xbooru allows you to come across many artists you may not have seen, and being able to organize all of the artwork they have in one place is fantastic.

The Vast Numbers Of Tags

With large numbers of tags, you can find exactly what you are looking for. Some of these sections, however, have well over 50,000 posts. These tags get quite detailed, and there are over 3,000 pages of tags. This is a massive number that includes character names, general categories, and more unique things like jewelry, shirt, high-resolution, and more. One of the massive benefits of having this many tags is the ability to search them and find unique fetishes and topics. You can also easily search for unique characters and know with some confidence whether they have XXX art featuring the character on the website. In addition to singular artworks, there are some porn comics that can be found. Tags can also be sorted by updated, types, and total count.

Some Features Other Sites Don’t Have

There are pools on the site as well, which provide another way for users to assist in the organization of the website. I am not sure the exact formula these have, though there is some a method to the madness here. There are similarities and themes within the posts, which are specific groupings. The website also has a forum where people can chat with other members of the community. Some posts of the forum have hundreds of comments on them. Many of the posts are over one-year-old, though there are numerous stickies and posts that have been updated a lot more recently, some within days. In order to comment on the forum, you will need to create an account. Additionally, there are statistics available for many different periods of time. You can get information about the top 10 taggers, top 10 commenters, top 10 forum posters, top 10 image posters, and numerous other categories.

See Who More People Orgasm To

I love this. The website has a full listing of the characters you can find in the art on the website. People can “cum” on these characters once per day by using counters on the site photos, essentially recording them. With these is stats, you can quickly and easily find the most popular characters for the community here. I would have loved to specific place numbers ranking them, but just the total number of orgasms counted for each is an excellent addition.

The Help Section

One of the last areas of the site provides basic help tools such as information about the ratings, forums, and a general cheat sheet for the website. All of this information organized in one place provides an excellent way to navigate a website with tons of information. Xbooru has so many posts, artists, tags, and more, so this help section and organization can be a godsend. I found that I did not need to use it for navigating the site myself, but people who are a little less familiar with the Internet may need or want some assistance.

Creating An Account

Well over 90% of the website can be accessed without an account. An account gives extra functionality and added convenience. You will be able to view everyone’s favorites, and when you meet people who have similar tastes than you, it is easier to find the things that they have already sought out. In addition, you will be able to manage your account options. Even without an account, you can manage some of these. This section of the website, the account options, provides many fantastic organizational benefits. One of the biggest perks of this area of the website is the tag blacklist. If there are particular tags you do not want to see posts from, you can add them to the tag blacklist, and if there is an overlap with any of your other searches, the website will not show you those posts. You can also choose a comment threshold, post threshold, and have other customizable options available.

How Xbooru Didn't Impress Us

There are some advertisements on the site; plus, the Xbooru site could look more aesthetically pleasing even if its navigation is phenomenal. Also, there are no videos on the site. In addition, there are a few links to third-party websites to look out for. Read the reviews at CamPlayer before going to third-party websites and get the pros and cons.

Final Notes

Xbooru is a popular and well-known site for many reasons. The massive amount of content is one major attractor, and there are also advanced search and sort options to be aware of. The blacklist is an incredible perk, allowing you to filter out art featuring topics and themes you would prefer not to see. One of the most popular booru style of sites, and one that has plenty of user-uploaded content, the community here is welcoming, friendly, and accepting of the many different fantasies, fetishes, and kinks that people have. Take a look at the top 25 pages, the chat section, and the art from so many amazing talents today. I rank this website that 9.7 out of 10.


  • Massive Amounts Of Content
  • Tons Of Hentai
  • A Community Feel


  • No Hentai Porn Movies
  • Account Needed For Forums
  • Some Advertisements